The Mindful Cycle – a sustainable lifestyle approach to living in sync with your cycle

Date & Time: 23rd January 2023 7-8:30 p.m.

Location: Webinar-online-Zoom

Tutor: Paula Byrne

Course Details:

The Mindful Cycle is a body literacy and menstrual education workshop. Through the skills of awareness, acceptance and compassion, this session will enable you to deepen your knowledge of the menstrual cycle by learning about the phases and inner seasons of the cycle, hormonal and energetic fluctuations, how to track your cycle and develop sustainable lifestyle skills. It is the ultimate in self-care for menstrual health and wellbeing.

Learning intentions:

1. Recognise the importance of body literacy and menstrual education for wellbeing.
2. Develop a deeper understanding of the monthly menstrual cycle.
3. Learn how to implement a sustainable lifestyle approach to the menstrual cycle.
4. Understand what is typical and how to spot red flags.
5. Reflect on menstrual education as part of the curriculum.


Paula Byrne is a holistic wellness educator with 16 years teaching experience. She is dedicated to holding space for others to allow them to enhance their own wellbeing and knowledge. She endeavors to cultivate a more holistic approach to daily life by supporting others to form habits that nourish the mind, body and spirit.
Qualifications: M.A. B.A. P.G.C.E
Professional Training in Menstrual Cycle Facilitation accredited with the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM)
Certificate in Meditation Teaching, Human Holistic Development and Chair Yoga